A Brief History:

Mastiff dogs are one of the oldest recognised breeds in the world and have been depicted on rock carvings, statues and artwork throughout history as far back as 2,000 years before Christ. The modern breed was developed in England in the early 20th Century before almost dying out in the 2nd World War. A joint effort between England and USA successfully restored the numbers and now although not a common breed, the are no longer rare. There are also Tibetan, Neapolitan, French and Argentinean Mastiffs although these are all different from the English.

Physical Characteristics:

English Mastiffs are large, heavy, muscular dogs and are in the ‘giant’ breed category. The largest dog in the Guinness Book of Records is an English Mastiff who tops the scales at 155 kilograms! Height to shoulder is approximately 70-76 cms (20.5-30 inches) Weight is 79-86 kilograms. Coat colours – most common colour is fawn with a black mask (see pictures). There are other variations like silver-fawn, apricot-fawn and brindle (brindle and its variations are uncommon and hard to find).

Pros & Cons of owning a Mastiff:

Pros: Easy coat care, highly intelligent, excellent guardian, gentle, rarely bark, affectionate and loyal. Cons: Can be stubborn, aren’t often willing to perform ‘menial’ tasks/tricks, drooling and slobbering at mealtimes or after drinking, tail is like a whip so you can’t have ornaments. You need a vehicle that can transport them (or a trailer) – they don’t fit in your average family sedan. Some of the more heavily wrinkled adults have furrows that need to be cleaned on a regular basis. It is also wise to have air-conditioning in your house and car as they don't tolerate the heat. The following can be pros or cons, depending on your viewpoint: Often described by owners as “annoyingly affectionate” – they love to follow their owner everywhere and if they could they would get into your lap for a cuddle! Have a habit of leaning against you and lying with their head on your feet (remember what they weigh!). If going out in public with your Mastiff be prepared to be stared at and questioned incessantly - people are fascinated as they are rarely seen.

What to look for:

Look at as many dogs (pictures or real) as you can so you are familiar with the breed and decide how you would like your dog to look. There are heavily wrinkled Mastiffs and ones who are tighter skinned. Bone lazy ones and those who are more active. Taller thinner ones, or shorter stockier ones. Then put most of your time into inspecting the parents as they are the best indicator of what your puppy will be like. Please don't judge the female too harshly if you are seeing her for the first time with her puppies - pregnancy and lactation take their toll on a bitch's physical appearance so rely on photos of her prior to giving birth! If you want a working Mastiff – one who does the job of guarding and isn’t just a wrinkly face! – then make sure the parents show signs of this when you visit. Parents who bound up to you and lick you to death will have puppies who are similarly jolly. Ideally the Mastiff will watch you intently on arrival and bark – then when told by the owner it is ok they should settle down and even allow you to pat them. They will always watch you intently though.


English Mastiffs are an uncommon breed so are not readily available. Most breeders have at least a 6 month waiting list. This will give you plenty of time to stockpile newspapers (invaluable item when toilet training puppies!) and make the necessary sundry purchases (dog crates/cages for travelling, bedding, worming treatments etc).


Most puppies cost a minimum of $800 and can fetch up to $1500 or more. English Mastiff puppies are expensive in comparison to other breeds because it is expensive to breed a female (who will often eat up to 3 times her normal food intake while pregnant and lactating) and to raise the puppies (food, worming treatments, vet checks etc). Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can get your money back by breeding from your male/female – giant breed dogs are notoriously difficult to breed and often have trouble during the whelping process (birthing of puppies) – Caesarian births are not unknown. If you factor in the food and veterinary care for your breeding adults and weigh this up against the fact that most giant breeds can only safely have around 3-4 litters before they are too old, then you will quickly realise that many breeders are running at a loss, most breed for love and not profit.

Purebreed? Pedigree? Registered? Papers? Guarantee?

Most people are confused by these terms and what they mean to you as a buyer. Simply put a purebreed dog is one who meets the criteria set by the various Kennel Clubs/Canine Associations. This means the puppy/adult must have proven ancestry for a certain number of generations (usually 3) - this is their 'pedigree'. In order for an animal to be shown it must be registered with the Kennel Club and have papers that detail the puppy’s ancestry. BUT at times these pieces of paper are just that, worthless pieces of paper. They are bought as blanks and the owner fills them in. An unscrupulous owner can put whatever they like. There is no way of guaranteeing what they are filling in is the truth. If you don’t want a dog for showing, papers are not necessary. Guarantees - a little advice that I have learned the hard way. Just because a puppy has papers in no way guarantees you a healthy animal. Being registered and/or a Champion dog (have a prefix of Ch before their name) in no way means a healthy animal. There are many stories of buyers having puppies with major health problems even though they had a "guarantee". This is one of the many stories about such a dog - a champion registered papered animal who only lived a short life: http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/mastiff/ABOUTUS.HTM Read also my post further down on Hip/Joint problems for the reasons why these "health guarantees" are useless. No-one can guarantee the health of your puppy - but you can help prevent potential problems with a little knowledge.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Growth and your Mastiff, is bigger always better?

In relation to Mastiffs, no! There are variations with height and weight in the English, Australian and American standards - the Americans seem to like them BIGGER! Sometimes this is done at the dog's expense health wise. When raising your dog keep them lean throughout their growing period. A whopper of a dog is a big bragging point with some people, the old 'mine is bigger than yours' mentality! Having the biggest, heaviest Mastiff will earn you no prizes except for the most expensive vet bills when your dog (inevitably) ends up with hip and joint problems.

We raise Mastiffs not as show ponies or crowd pleasers, but as working members of our family. They are not much good at their job of guarding if they can't give chase without collapsing on the ground exhausted after a few steps.

Growth patterns.
Mastiffs spend their first 8 weeks as boofy little bundles of wrinkles as the photos of 5 week olds to the right show) with very little nose. This 'snub-nose' look enables the pups to be able to suckle milk from the dam - a bit like human babies. They will put on approximately 1 kilogram per week.

In the 3-9 month stage they go through the tall gangly teenager look, all legs and often quite skinny with enormous paws in comparison. They are very uncoordinated and klutzy. They will often have periods of rapid growth and voracious appetite then periods of not eating, so much to the point that you get worried and think they must be ill. It is at this point most owners start changing the diet and tempting them with all sorts of foods. Avoid this at all costs! You will end up with a fussy eater who develops a taste for the wrong types of food. Continue to give the same diet regardless of the dog refusing.
Personally I think this stage is a self-preservation one, they have an innate ability to know what they need and when they need it - like they know how to protect their own joints! Weight gain is highly variable at this stage but it should slowly increase. Don't try to get rid of that skinny look by overfeeding, it is a normal stage.

During this stage you will notice your Mastiff grows at an uneven rate. At times he/she will seem taller at the rear than the front, other weeks it is the reverse and they look almost like a German Shepherd with the shoulders taller than the rump. These lopsided growth spurts are normal and not to worry about - they are not a sign of 'dodgy' genetics or bad breeding.

Think about desexing your animal in this period if you don't want them to breed. Don't believe all you read about sexual maturity or breeding age at 12-15 months. Someone we knew ended up with an unexpected and unplanned litter when their 9 month old got pregnant!

9-15 months you will see a rapid gain of muscle as the dog begins to fill out. Maintaining a steady diet is important so this doesn't happen too quickly. MOST females will reach sexual maturity during this time - factor this in if you don't want to breed and haven't previously de-sexed her (or him!).
In the earlier stages growth can still be a little lopsided and uneven (as above) towards the later stages much of their height has been attained so it won't be as noticeable.

2-3 years is when a Mastiff is considered an adult. This doesn't mean they have stopped growing! They will continue to fill out and gain size (outwards rather than upwards). So if your Mastiff reached the optimum recommended weight in the previous stage you know you could have a potential problem, as they are still gaining at this age. Cut down on the calories and give more raw chicken than red meat. The animal should display good form now, the previous un-even growth pattern should have ended and it should have a nice straight back. Many consider them to be at their prime at 4 years of age.


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Anonymous said...

Our English Mastiff puppy is now 18mo. She is 103/104 right now. She has only gained about 5 or 6 pounds in the last 6 months. Is that normal? We are just now mixing in some adult food. We had her on Nutrisource large breed chicken & rice puppy, now we're starting on Nutrisource large breed lamb & rice adult. Is her growth rate normal? She's about 30inches tall.

Anonymous said...

i dont have a mastiff purebreed, i have a mastiff and red wolf that i adopted from a local pet store. she said she was going to take him to the pound b/c no one wanted him b/c of his breed. well i grew up around bullmastiffs and boxers, so i took the dog and paid the adoption fee. he is up to date on shots and very big.. he is six and a half months and is 45 lbs and three feet long not including his tale. does anyone have any suggestions as to how big this dog could get or anything... thank you robby, johnson city tennessee

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Anonymous said...

We have a beautiful english mastiff with the brindle color. She is a little over 8 months and so in her "teenage time" but very lovable and wonderful. A great addition to the family and has already shown her protective side with me and a neighbor. Our vet has said she is just at the right weight and height-tall, clumsy wih huge paws.

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